Hiring BIPOC Talent Makes Economic Sense

Hiring and retaining a diverse workforce is essential for your organization’s long-term success. […]

With a team of creative and innovative Black, Indigenous, and

People of Color (BIPOC) talent, your company will be better positioned to meet the needs of your clients.

“Hiring BIPOC talent is not only the right thing to do; it also makes economic sense,” says Ross Cadastre, CEO and Founder of ITS Global. Ross and the ITS Global team help clients build top-performing diverse teams.

Your hiring managers must keep creativity and innovation top of mind when reviewing candidates. BIPOC talent will provide innovative, dynamic solutions to get the job done, while positively impacting corporate culture, practices, market position and return on investments.

Having different opinions and mindsets allows your company to test ideas, foresee problems and find quick solutions. This builds a stronger, more lucrative company. In fact, studies show that companies with diverse teams attain 19% higher revenue because of greater innovation.

Increased Market Share
BIPOC talent increases your company’s chances of capturing new and diverse markets. With an inclusive team that possesses a wide range of interpersonal tools, your products and services will appeal to broader range of customers.

“Innovation propels forward-thinking developments, which improves your company’s position in competitive markets,” says Ross.

Goal Setting


“Simply attracting BIPOC talent is not enough,” says Ross, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.”


By setting clear BIPOC talent goals that include current hiring numbers and achievable yearly hiring targets, you can see the impact your workforce has on profits. Afterall, with a growing BIPOC population and market, there are many new business opportunities.

Hiring BIPOC is the first step
When fostering an innovative BIPOC work culture, creating an accepting and welcoming company culture matters.

“Retaining employees is more than providing a salary,” says Ross. “A positive environment goes a long way to keeping talent.”


He adds, it’s essential that you offer benefits and perks that are culturally appropriate and reflect your workforce.

When employees feel valued, they are more engaged and interested in their work. With thoughtful and innovative practices, you’ll see more productivity and performance. This lets you focus on long-term success.

Let us help!
Our ITS Global expert team will help you with your recruitment needs. Visit www.itsglobal.ca to find out more about what we do to identify and attract the right talent.


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